Brian Schmidt (Australian National University)
Graham Phillips (ABC)
Katie Mack (University of Melbourne)
Paul Dalgarno (The Conversation)
The press event will be held in the West Wing Cellar.
1st Alex Hill, Magnetic fields in the Smith Cloud [227]
2nd Vicki Lowe, Variations between star formation environments [244]
3rdScott Meyer, HI stacking can be used to measure edge-on rotation velocities for use in the Tully-Fisher relation [249]
4thThemiya Nanayakkara, Colour bimodality of galaxies at high redshift [251]
5thNicola Pastorello, Globular Cluster and Stellar Metallicity Radial Profiles in Early-Type Galaxies [256]
6thKevin Pimbblet, The role of stellar mass and environment for cluster blue fraction, AGN, and star formation [258]
7thStuart Ryder, The First Supernova Discovered with GeMS/GSAOI [263]
8thGiulia Savorgnan, The supermassive black hole mass - Sérsic index (and other) relation(s) for bulges and elliptical galaxies [265]
9th Richard Hunstead, How accurate is SuperCOSMOS astrometry? [229]
10thDane Kleiner, A test for galaxy pre-processing using large-scale structure in the local Universe [238]
11th Andrew Jacob, The Fall and Rise of Sydney Observatory [232] and Making visible the women who measured stars in Australia [233]
12thTui Britton, Astronomical masers in massive star formation: A survey of the 25 GHz methanol maser series [208]
13th Robert Nilsson, Properties of coronal rains in the Sun [253]
Some lunch will be provided in the Central One Theatre Foyer for those attending the lunchtime session.
Finger food and some drinks will be provided with a short presentation.
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science invites the astronomical community to a Town Hall-style discussion on the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF). Topics will include ASKAP early science and future Parkes instrumentation. This session will be one of a series of forums over the coming months in which the community is invited to interact with CASS on the strategy for the ATNF telescopes. The ATNF currently consists of the Parkes Telescope, Australia Telescope Compact Array, and access to the Mopra Telescope and NASA's Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex (Tidbinbilla) Telescopes. The Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) will also be part of the ATNF. The session will include a short presentation, Q&A, and feedback forum. Wine and cheese will be served afterwards.